Austrian ‘radio klassik Stephansdom’ joins the ICMA Jury

Austrian ‘radio klassik Stephansdom’ joins the ICMA Jury

The Jury of the International Classical Music Awards (ICMA) welcomes the Vienna based ‘radio klassik Stephansdom’ as Jury member. ‘radio klassik Stephansdom’ is the Austrian classical music station of the music city of Vienna. It broadcasts classical music around the clock from the heart of Vienna. The radio station is represented in the Jury by Ursula Magnes, head of the music department.

ICMA President Remy Franck says: “I am very happy to welcome ‘radio klassik Stephansdom’ and Ursula Magnes. With her knowledge and competence Mrs. Magnes will provide an important input for our activities, and help sustain our mission to foster musical excellence based on outstanding achievements. I am all the more happy since’ radio klassik Stephansdom’ is the first Austrian media in our Jury, thus representing a country with an exceptionally musical life and an outstanding musical past. »

Ursula Magnes says: “I am pleased to be able to bring the diversity and standards of ‘radio klassik Stephansdom’ to the work of the ICMA. Also to draw attention to young talent and create hits from 12 centuries. »

With ‘radio klassik Stephansdom’ the ICMA Jury has now 20 members from 16 countries.

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