Manfred Honeck: The many nuances of tradition


Manfred Honeck: The many nuances of tradition

  • 08/02/2018
Manfred Honeck: The many nuances of tradition

Manfred Honeck

Austrian conductor Manfred Honeck, Music Director of the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra since 2008, is ICMA Artist of the Year. Musica’s Nicola Cattò met the former Vienna Philharmonic viola player (his brother Rainer is still Concertmaster) in Milan at the beginning of January, after the first of three concerts devoted to a traditional Vienna New Year repertoire that got a thunderstorm of applause in the iconic Milanese theatre. Read More →

Denise Fedeli: « The Orchestra della Svizzera Italiana is ready for new challenges »

  • 05/02/2018
Denise Fedeli: « The Orchestra della Svizzera Italiana is ready for new challenges »

Denise Fedeli
(c) D.Vass

In the category DVD Performance, this year’s prize of the International Classical Music Awards (ICMA) has been awarded to Rileggendo Brahms with the Orchestra della Svizzera Italiana conducted by Markus Poschner. This OSI production with the complete Brahms Symphonies has been supported by Helsinn, the orchestra’s international partner, and was published on two DVDs by Sony Classical in December 2016. The live recordings were made during the first season at the LAC Theater in Lugano. Nicola Catto has spoken with Denise Fedeli, OSI’s Artistic-administrative Manager. Read More →

Violinist Chouchane Siranossian: « Musical expression comes more from the right hand then from the left hand »

  • 25/03/2017
Violinist Chouchane Siranossian: « Musical expression comes more from the right hand then from the left hand »

Chouchane Siranossian

In 2017, French violinist Chouchane Siranossian is a double Award winner of ICMA (International Classical Music Awards), for her CD L’ange et le diable with Jos van Immerseel and as Concertmaster of Ensemble Esperanza. Remy Franck made the following interview with her.

Chouchane, your family roots go back to Armenia. What does this mean for your music-making?
For sure, my roots have an influence on my playing and even in general on my life. My father is a well-known specialist of this music and his approach certainly had and has an influence on my own music-making. Read More →

ICMA ‘Discovery Award’-Winner Robert Neumann: « … I slip into the role of an animal tamer »

  • 27/02/2017
ICMA ‘Discovery Award’-Winner Robert Neumann: « … I slip into the role of an animal tamer »

Robert Neumann
(c) Christine Kocher

German pianist Robert Neumann (*2001), winner of ICMA’s Discovery Award 2017, has been raised in a musical family. He was eleven, when he was admitted as junior student in the class of Prof. Elza Kolodin at the die Musikhochschule Freiburg, and when he turned 15, be became a regular student. He also studies at the International Music Academy of Liechtenstein. He has given numerous concerts in several countries.  Remy Franck and Andrea Meuli made the following interview with him. Read More →

Matti Salminen: « I realised the importance of the economy in expression: less is more”

  • 08/02/2017
Matti Salminen: « I realised the importance of the economy in expression: less is more”

Matti Salminen

ICMA Lifetime Achievement Award winner Matti Salminen has been among the most famous basses of opera stages already over 40 years. He is especially famous in Wagner-roles, but his repertoire is large, reaching even to Finnish tangos. His steady, resonant bass is flexible enough also for subtle nuances, and he emphasizes opera always as a comprehensive theatre. Read our article by Harri Kuusisaari, ICMA Jury member for the Finnish magazine Rondo Classic. Read More →

Robert von Bahr: The Man With The Pram … And 2.300 Recordings

  • 24/01/2017
Robert von Bahr: The Man With The Pram … And 2.300 Recordings

Robert von Bahr
(c) ICMA

The Swedish label BIS is Label of the Year of the International Classical Music Awards. Known for the quality of sound and music, for a substantial catalogue of more than 2.300 titles and some exciting projects, the label is a strong player on the international market. Remy Franck made the following interview with the label’s CEO Robert von Bahr.

Robert, what was the starting point for your business?
When my first wife, the flutist Gunilla von Bahr, wanted to release a recording, I wrote to a couple of labels, and at first we got only refusals. So I decided to make the recording and to try again. I wrote another round of letters and got again either no answer or a refusal. Read More →

Artist of the Year 2017 – Tabea Zimmermann: « Mein Ziel ist es, eine Partitur immer wieder neu zu entdecken »

  • 21/01/2017
Artist of the Year 2017 – Tabea Zimmermann: « Mein Ziel ist es, eine Partitur immer wieder neu zu entdecken »

Tabea Zimmermann

Bereits mit drei Jahren hielt Tabea Zimmermann das Instrument in der Hand, mit dem sie weltberühmt wurde. Sie studierte in Freiburg bei Ulrich Koch und in Salzburg bei Sandor Végh. Schon während des Studiums wurde sie mit Preisen ausgezeichnet, darunter Erste Preise in Genf 1982, 1984 in Budapest und beim Wettbewerb ‘Maurice Vieux’ in Paris 1983. Dort erhielt sie als Preis eine Bratsche von Etienne Vatelot. Sie hat mit allen großen Dirigenten der Welt zusammengearbeitet. Sie spielte zahlreiche Ur- und Erstaufführungen. Seit Jahren widmet sie sich intensiv der Kammermusik  u.a. mit dem von ihr mitgegründeten Arcanto-Quartett. 2017 ist Tabea Zimmermann ‘Artist of the Year’ der ICMA (International Classical Music Awards). Remy Franck hat sich mit ihr unterhalten. Read More →

Pablo Ferrandez: « I love to have this mass of sound behind me »

  • 03/10/2016
Pablo Ferrandez: « I love to have this mass of sound behind me »

Pablo Ferrandez

ICMA Young Artist of the Year Pablo Ferrandez was interviewed by ICMA Jury members Luis Sunen (Scherzo) and Guy Engels (Radio 100,7). They talked about his studies, his career, his repertoire and his cello.

Pablo, tell us about your first steps with the cello.
I started when I was 3. Because, well, my whole family are musicians. My father is a cellist. My mother invented a method called ‘El mago Diapason’ to teach children music…, it was the perfect environment. Read More →

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