The international music industry conference Midem in Cannes has been definitely brought to an end, its organizer RX France has announced. Midem, where some ICMA jury members were participating during several years and where first the Cannes Classical Awards, then the Midem Classical Awards took place, started to dip in the early 2010s, shortly after the organizer had cancelled the Midem Classical Awards which then were turned into the independent International Classical Music Awards, ICMA.
In a statement, RX France says: “For 55 years, RX France – formerly Reed Midem – has had the immense pleasure and privilege of organising the Midem event in Cannes, and more recently in developing dedicated music events under the Midem brand in Africa and Latin America, as well as offering the Midem Digital experience for the last two years”.
ICMA president Remy Franck says: « The best thing which ever could happen to the Midem Classical Awards was their cancellation by the Midem. When our Jury became totally independent and free to grow, it expanded to unexpected levels since 2011. The strength and importance of ICMA is today quite extraordinary. There is no comparable organization in the entire music world. »