The world’s foremost young soloists meet in Bad Ragaz

The world’s foremost young soloists meet in Bad Ragaz

The world’s foremost young soloists meet in Bad Ragaz

Ensemble Esperanza
(c) Christine Kocher

The central idea of the Festival Next Generation organized by the International Music Academy Liechtenstein at the Grand Resort in Bad Ragaz, has been the promotion of young musicians who are on the verge of an international career and whose talent has proved that they will develop into promising personalities. This year, from 16 to 23 February, the audience can experience for the eighth time music played by a large number of very good young musicians from all over the world.

A major player will be Ensemble Esperanza, which has become a tremendous ensemble of international standing since it was founded in 2015 (during the festival). The pianist Robert Neumann and the violinist Sara Domjanic will be Artists in residence. Some musicians have remained loyal to the festival even after carving out a brilliant career. This applies to the Austrian pianist Aaron Pilsan, who meanwhile is a sought-after guest on all European stages. In 2018 he will be participating in the festival with two special concerts (19 and 20 February 2018), which will demonstrate the remarkable development he has undergone since he first presented himself to a larger audience in Bad Ragaz. Pilsan has chosen the two parts of Johann Sebastian Bach’s ‘The Well-Tempered Clavier’ to show why he receives high praise everywhere in the world.

And, certainly, the very young ones will be given a chance as well. On 18 February four young soloists will take to the stage: Yuan Yu from China (born in 2001), Hao-Wie Lin from Taiwan (born in 2004) and Evelyne Medvedko from Russia (also born in 2004) will be demonstrating their skills at the piano. Philipp Schupelius from Germany (born in 2003) will play his cello.

This year’s festival has a programme ranging from Tomaso Antonio Vitali to Ennio Morricone and includes the wealth of wonderful classical music in all its facets. For the eighth time the Festival Next Generation will be a very special event – for the young artists as well as for the festival guests, who can experience the young talents at the Hotel Grand Resort Bad Ragaz not only on stage but can also meet them face to face during the day.

Information and ticket booking:
Phone (for Switzerland): + 41 (0)79 628 47 07
Phone (for Liechtenstein and the EU): +423 792 63 52

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